The ASP made of steel corresponds to the permanent needles developed in the early days of auriculotherapy. The product has been improved over the years, but remains true to the criteria established by Dr. Paul Nogier. This single-use sterile permanent needle allows a tiny stainless steel needle to be implanted in the auricular acupuncture point. This implant remains there for several days and thus provides permanent stimulation.
Properties of a needle for ear acupuncture: The ASP consists of a small stainless steel needle in a plastic insertion aid. With the help of this insertion aid, the practitioner can easily grasp the needle and insert it precisely into the ear. The needle inserted into the auricle in this way is sterile. After insertion, the needle can be protected by an adhesive plate. The effect lasts as long as the needle remains in the ear. A magnet in the insertion aid induces a magnetic field in the implanted needle. Like all other needle types from SEDATELEC, the ASP are manufactured in rooms of the highest purity and sterilized by gamma rays. They are supplied sterile for single use.
Three versions are available: ASP with stainless steel needle or the same needle coated with gold or titanium.